Big Brother, Mirko Brunetti talks about Greta Rossetti

Tamong the new arrivals in the house of Big Brother he’s there too: the 26 year old Mirko Brunetti already known to the Canale 5 audience due to his recent participation in Temptation Island. And now in the most watched house in Italy it promises to give viewers moments to remember.

Temptation Island 2023: couples, temptresses and tempters

Mirko Brunetti: Big Brother After Temptation Island

The latest informed of the competitors of the Big Brother includes, in addition to Mirko Brunetti, also the fitness woman Jill Cooper and the journalist Giampiero Mughini. Originally from Rieti, Brunetti worked in Terni for the two pizzerias that belong to his family. And a few months ago participated in the latest edition of Temptation Island.

The 26-year-old – who also has a past as a goalkeeper at a semi-professional level – did not leave such a romantic memory for viewers on the occasion of his participation in the reality show hosted by Filippo Bisciglia. Indeed, he showed up together with his girlfriend Perla Vatiero, with whom he had been with for five years. And he left the program along with one of the “temptors”, Greta Rossetti.

Perla and Mirko, competitors on Temptation Island. Credit: Temptation Island Press Office / Red Communications

The crisis with Greta Rossetti and that deleted message

Once finished Temptation Island, Mirko Brunetti and Perla Vatiero had not spared themselves criticism and even some insults on social media. Instead, with Greta Rossetti everything was going well. In fact, the two had also decided to have sex a couple tattoo, with the words “Your eyes, my care”. Then, however, for a few days their followers did not receive updates from the couple and, once his entry into the House was announced, the “tempttress” Greta Rossetti had published a shocked emoji on Instagram.

Now it is Mirko himself who sheds light on their relationship. He did it during the episode of Thursday 19 October and while chatting with some Housemates in these last hours. The boy explained that he is living a crisis with Greta Rossetti. The reason? He would have met his ex-girlfriend Perla at a fashion show (which her girlfriend would not have particularly appreciated). And also Greta would have discovered a deleted message on her boyfriend’s phone. «He doesn’t trust me anymore because of the deleted message and the fashion show Perla was in» began Mirko.

But compared to the choice to delete a message from his cell phone, he explained. «I did it out of fear that he might be hurt. It was a message of advice to my ex, on a work level. I didn’t delete it out of malice, on the contrary, there‘I did it out of fear that she would think badly. Since my ex was very possessive, even obsessiveI still hadn’t gotten used to the fact that she was different.”

Mirko Brunetti: «I enter without knowing what she still feels for me»

«It’s true that for her Perla is a cumbersome figure, a threat… But… Perla didn’t do everything to avoid me. Greta felt hurt, but it seems like children’s fights. She had the behavior of a very jealous person. She always showed me the super confident side of her. And instead…», continued Mirko Brunetti.

And he added. «I have a big question mark inside me. The question is so absurd that I can’t give it shape. The lack of clarity, I don’t understand… It’s a question mark.”

At this moment, therefore, Mirko Brunetti doesn’t know whether to define himself as still engaged or single. «I go in without knowing what she still feels for me. It’s tough to come in here like this.” Could this be an opportunity to close this chapter and look for a new love?

