Big Brother, live previews of tonight: nominations

TOthe center of the long live broadcast of the Big Brother tonight Channel 5 at 9.35pm – There is the relationship between Letizia Petris and Paolo Masella. The two engaged couples were among the protagonists last Monday, but the surprise reserved for them produced unexpected effects.

Big Brother 2023: the cast according to rumors

Big Brotherthe previews of the episode

The photographer from Romagna and the Roman butcher were the protagonists of a romantic moment in the studio: a dance to seal their love. Once we returned home, Letizia accused her boyfriend of feeling overshadowed. What triggered his insecurities was Paolo’s regret at not seeing his mother in the studio.

Letizia laments that it was a moment just for them and that there shouldn’t have been any external influences. Poor Paolo tries to explain that thinking about his mother does not take away from the emotion he felt, but he is unable to persuade her. Is the relationship starting to show some cracks?

In general, the balance within the house has changed. Thanks to the entry of the new competitors Simona Tagli and Alessio Falsone. Cuts it immediately showed its claws and is at the center of discussions and clashes. He reproaches the roommates for their aggressive attitude towards Beatrice Luzzi. They accuse her of offending everyone and not saying hello. In last Monday’s episode, Alfonso Signorini advised her to experience the adventure with a different spirit.

“Big Brother 2024”, Paolo Masella and Letizia Petris. (Endemol Shine Italy)

Mirko and Perla, a rediscovered love

In the last episode ample space was reserved for Mirko and Perla. On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, Brunetti spent a few days at home, in close contact with his ex-girlfriend. “I exposed all my weaknesses and insecurities,” he revealed to Alfonso Signorini during the live broadcast.

The host questions Perla and asks her to reach the walkway outside the loft. And obviously to clarify what his feelings are. “The feeling certainly never faded”, he declares. Once she reaches the catwalk, she sees Mirko’s confessional. The boy tearfully admits that he is still in love with her. «I rationalize too much, but then I feel it, I miss it. There must be a reason,” she says.

“Big Brother 2024”, the kiss between Mirko and Perla. (Endemol Shine Italy)

«I got the fact that he still loves me very much and perhaps even more than before» confesses Perla to Signorini. «She’s falling in love with me again. My only fear was that she wouldn’t be able to get over what happened between us. I think I never stopped loving him» he says, his voice cracking with emotion. An instant later Mirko arrives, hugs her and kisses her. The happy ending was served and tonight we will talk about it again.

Big Brotherwho will be eliminated next?

The appointment with her is back nominations and with the result of the televoting. Tonight’s episode is an elimination roundthis means that a contestant will have to leave the house. Exit candidates are in five and it’s about Beatrice Luzzi, Federico Massaro, Marco Maddaloni, Sergio D’Ottavi and Stefano Miele.

“Big Brother 2024”, Sergio D’Ottavi, Beatrice Luzzi and Stefano Miele. (Endemol Shine Italy)

Sergio and Stefano obtained a nomination place in the last two episodes. Both have been the public’s least favorites and are up against the new nominees tonight. Beatrice is the veteran: the housemates keep mentioning her in the hope that the public will take her out. Until now, however, viewers have been of the opposite opinion.

Marco Maddaloni is an equally strong competitor, present with everyone, wise, dispenser of advice. He never loses his temper and even when the clashes get heated, he tries to calm things down. The public could reward him. It should be remembered, then, that has two other reality shows to his credit: Beijing Express 2 And The island of the famous 15. In both cases he emerged victorious. There’s no two without three?

