Big Brother is coming again – a whole new set of rules for the new season

Big Brother will start in September at Nelonen and Ruudu.

The search for BB House is now open. Four

Big Brother Finland is coming again. The program will return to television next fall. The application for the new season has opened on Thursday, March 10th.

In the coming season, many things in the house will change completely. As the biggest reform, Big Brother intends to allow tactics. Usually in a Big Brother house, all the intrigue and talking about naming, for example, has been on the list of forbidden things.

In the coming season, the 12-week playoff game cannot be won without a skilled game eye.

The season, which begins in September, lasts 12 weeks, so applicants must commit to spending at least three months in the house.

The house is now looking for bold and colorful personalities from different ages, professions and cultural backgrounds. The quartet is told that the potential resident is not afraid to say their opinions out loud, but puts their entire personality in the league.

– The BB house is like a miniature Finland, so you want to find a varied table setting for people from one end to the other. During this season, it is essential that residents are also ready to play if necessary. Namely, the big brother may even reward the residents for good tactics, and the coming season cannot be won without skilled game moves.

– However, the focus remains on bringing together a group of people, all of whom have a desire to share their stories, defend their opinions and stand behind their words, the producer in charge of the program Maarit Suominen Four tells.

This is what the BB House looked like in 2021.
