Big Brother, episode tonight March 4: news, nominations

Noeggs week, new double date with the Big BrotherThat come back tonight at 9.35pm live on Channel 5. The next episode, however, is broadcast Thursday 8 March always in prime time. The spotlight is on the nominated competitors, but above all on the balance in the Cinecittà loft.

Big Brother 2023: the cast according to rumors

Big Brotherthe new balance at home

Now that Beatrice Luzzi is out of the running as a finalist, the group’s attentions have shifted on something else. Primarily, on the relationship between some roommates. Specifically, that one between Anita Olivieri and Alessio Falsone. Recently, the blonde Roman received a visit from her boyfriend Edoardo.

A surprise that arrived after six months of staying on the reality show and which seemed to have given her a certain serenity. However, in recent days he has established a rather close relationship with Alessio. And there was no shortage of opinions at home on this alleged liaison. Everyone said something about her, especially after a cryptic phrase uttered by Anita.

«Alessio puts me in difficulty, I don’t know how to react. He is me in the masculine form », he confided to Rosy Chin and Massimiliano Varrese. And then he added: «He could be my type». Is there an air of crisis with Edoardo or a simple understanding resulting from a forced coexistence?

“Big Brother”, Anita. (Endemol Shine Italy)

More disagreements between Anita and Giuseppe

Recently, then, she was the protagonist of some misunderstandings with Giuseppe Garibaldi, who have not yet found a meeting point. The friendship would seem, if not archived, at least on pause. Anita he asked Rosy if she had spoken to Garibaldi about her relationship with Falsone. Rosy denied any wrongdoing. «I’m interested in your happiness. I told him to live what makes him happy like you.”

Anita was not offended, but continued: «If Giuseppe wants to know something, he asks me. So if he asks you for something, send him to me ». In turn, Garibaldi said he was “disappointed” by Anita’s sudden departure. «If you do good, she doesn’t come back», he vented to Paolo Masella and Letizia Petris.

«If Anita is mature, indeed, if she really loves me, she must take a step too. Otherwise it means that it was a friendship that began and ended here”, he concluded. In short, there is trouble between the two and who knows if they will be able to clarify things.

Perla’s doubts about Mirko

They are not the only ones going through a difficult time. After the release of Mirko Brunetti and the subsequent declaration of love live, Perla Vatiero has some doubts about a new beginning in their story. What puts her in crisis is the fear that they will ruin everything again as they have done in the past.

After a moment of collapse, Greta, also Mirko’s ex-girlfriend, reassured her. The girl advised her not to torment yourself now with questions you can’t answer, but to wait and postpone any decision until he is out of the game.

“Big Brother”, Perla Vatiero and Mirko Brunetti. (Endemol Shine Italy)

And speaking of Greta, there was no shortage of small misunderstandings with Sergio D’Ottavi. Nothing serious, though. The two are increasingly closer and at times Greta has reacted badly to the jokes of her roommates who enjoy teasing them to provoke a reaction. Not bad, because Sergio understood how to calm her down and calm immediately returned.

Big Brother: Anita, Perla and Simona nominated

Tonight the televoting sees three women clash: Anita, Perla and Simona Tagli. Simona is the latest arrival, but she was able to leave her mark by becoming the protagonist of heated clashes with the other competitors. Anita and Perla are dealing with their respective romantic affairs. The least voted among the three becomes the second candidate for the next elimination.

The first candidate is Massimiliano Varrese, the least voted by the public in the last episode. Varrese and the least voted tonight will be nominated in the next episode, together with the competitors nominated during the live broadcast.

