‘Big Brother’ contestant Dimitri looks back on his exit: “Falling in love wasn’t on the schedule” | TV

TVHe was tipped as a potential winner the first week, but unfortunately: after 37 days, Dimitri’s ‘Big Brother’ adventure came to an end. “I have let myself be carried away too much by others, and have made decisions that I regret,” says the commercial director from Kampenhout. Although his relationship with Dutch fellow candidate Vera also turned out to be a pain point for the viewers. “I showed affection, but never forgot that the house is full of cameras.”

He had already registered for ‘Big Brother’ last year, but then Dimitri (26) did not make the final selection. This year he was allowed to participate, and initially his passage in ‘the mother of all reality shows’ seemed a breeze. At the start of the program, Dimitri was believed to be a sweet and enthusiastic character, and he seemed to be a formidable candidate for the overall win. “I had said it beforehand: my worst quality is that I am sometimes naive, and that I get too carried away by others. That happened in the ‘Big Brother’ house”, Dimitri recalls. “The viewer has punished my behavior mercilessly.”

Deepening feelings

Not only did his strategic scheming cost Dimitri dearly, his relationship with fellow candidate Vera could not count on much understanding from the viewers. They wondered en masse why Dimitri wasn’t showing more affection, and suspected a calculated strategy behind the romance. “That is not the case,” it sounds. “Vera caught my eye from the very first moment. When I kissed her, it was really because I wanted to, not because I saw any benefit in it. That I seemed a little cold? I think it’s mainly because of the whole situation in which we got to know each other. Of course we both had our desires, but I also realized very well that the house is packed with cameras. Twenty years ago, candidates took this into account less, but we realized that certain images could haunt us for years. (laughs)”

Vera and Dimitri, when they were both still in the house. © Play4

“But also: that relationship took me by surprise,” Dimitri continues. “I joined ‘Big Brother’ for the adventure, not to find a new girlfriend. I was there primarily to play a game, and I’ve always been honest about that. That’s why I also spent time with other people, and didn’t focus solely on Vera. In retrospect, I do realize how that came across, and indeed I could have talked more with her. When she leaves the house – preferably as late as possible – I hope to make up for that damage. I really want to find out how things are going in the outside world between us. Vera can also sleep on both ears: I’m not going to cheat her now, because I have the chance to. I’m not like that.”


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