Big Brother 2023, news eighteenth episode: when it starts

TO 59 days from kick-off, to the Big Brother 2023 the cards are shuffled and new scenarios open up. Tonight at 9.30pm on Channel 5 the eighteenth episode airs, hosted as always by Alfonso Signorini. Among the topics addressed, the dynamics within the group, which reserve surprises week after week.

Big Brother 2023: the cast according to rumors

Big Brother 2023the previews of the eighteenth episode

Among the news of the last few days, the rapprochement between Letizia Petris and Paolo Masella. The photographer from Romagna and the Roman butcher have finally kissed. A long-awaited moment, which comes immediately after Letizia’s decision to end things with her boyfriend Andrea Contadini. Above all, it arrives on the anniversary of the birthday of her father, who passed away a few years ago.

For the occasion Paolo set aside time just for them and gave her a bouquet of sunflowers. This was enough for Letizia to capitulate. «You are truly unique»she tells him, and then the kiss begins while the Big Brother send Me and you by Vasco Rossi. “You drive me crazy,” he replies. On social media the comments are quite divisive. There are those who are happy about their rapprochement, but also those who suspect that Letizia’s move is just a move resulting from the nomination.

But after the romantic moment comes the first disagreement. Paolo senses a bit of coldness from Letizia, who feels embarrassed. Then the girl explains: «I want to experience this with more peace of mind, it’s getting a bit heavy. The problem is that we are very different.”. Finally, he adds: «I’m afraid of making you suffer. You made me feel good before. Now it’s as if we’ve weighed ourselves down». Paolo, for her part, wonders if she has real feelings for him

“Big Brother 2023”, Letizia Petris and Paolo Masella. (Endemol Shine Italy)

The kiss between Beatrice and Giuseppe

For a newly born couple, there is another rather tried and tested one that experiences constant ups and downs. They are Beatrice Luzzi and Giuseppe Garibaldi. After the storm of the last few weeks, which made them move away, now there seem to be possibilities for a rapprochement. After Monday’s episode, Beatrice confided in her roommate about the surprise she received. That is, her meeting with her ex-husband Alessandro, with whom she has an excellent relationship.

But subsequently, Beatrice didn’t miss the opportunity to give him two or three jabs, talking about zodiac signs and commenting on his personality. «You are ineffable, what you wanted you always got»and so on. He would like to prove to her that he is wrong, she responds by asking if she feels in awe.

Finally, peace. Galeotto, the Wednesday evening aperitifduring which the contestants let loose with sensual dances. Beatrice and Giuseppe danced an engaging slow dance, which saw them sway in unison, locked in a long embrace. And finally came the kiss. big brother 2023 previews kiss beatrice luzzi giuseppe garibaldi

“Big Brother 2023”, the kiss between Beatrice Luzzi and Giuseppe Garibaldi. (Endemol Shine Italy)

Big Brother 2023the nominated competitors

From year to year to Big Brother The characters change, but not the rules. So the usual appointment with the nominations is backthe only weapon in the tenants’ hands to eliminate – or at least try – their opponents. Tonight there are 8 competitors sent to the televoting. It’s about Ciro Petrone, Giampiero Mughini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Grecia Colmenares, Letizia Petris, Massimiliano Varrese and Vittorio Menozzi.

For them the nominations arrived at the end of the episode on Monday 6th, which saw Giselda Torresan leave the house. The two competitors who enjoy the immunity assigned by the commentator Cesara Buonamici, namely Angelica Baraldi and Fiordaliso, are missing from the appeal.

And then there they are house favourites: Alex Schwazer, Anita Olivieri, Mirko Brunetti and Beatrice Luzzi. Well yes, after weeks of very heated clashes, the roommates take a step back and think again. Finally, Jill Cooper, Paolo Masella and Rosy Chin emerge unscathed from the nominations.

