Big boss 3M comes to Belgium for confrontation with minister Demir | Inland

The CEO of the American chemical company 3M, Michael ‘Mike’ Roman, is coming to our country next week. Forman will have a meeting with the Flemish Minister for the Environment Zuhal Demir (N-VA). It is the first time that the chemical company sends the big boss.

The battle between Zuhal Demir and 3M continues. After the chemical company had already sent Rebecca Teeters to our country a number of times, the vice president of 3M, this time the CEO himself comes to the meeting. That news is confirmed by Demir’s cabinet. Behind the scenes, it had been rumored for some time that Teeters had less to say than initially thought. Zuhal Demir was therefore often annoyed by Teeters’ lack of knowledge and decision-making power.

The reason that the CEO of 3M is coming himself this time may also have to do with the notice of default that Roman received personally in September last year. Demir then declared all directors of the American headquarters in default. Behind the scenes it can also be heard that Demir’s lawyers were preparing everything to start formal proceedings in the United States through the courts. It cannot be ruled out that people had also heard this news in the US and wanted to anticipate this.

20 million dollars

Recently there was a conversation between Teeters and Demir. There, 3M has again pledged to take responsibility for the PFAS pollution. For example, local farmers have already been able to apply to receive compensation of 3M for the pollution caused by the chemical company.

The big question remains whether 3M will also have to pay for the PFAS that can be found in and around Zwijndrecht. That will ultimately depend on the soil remediation report that 3M submitted to OVAM at the beginning of this year. The waste company is currently checking that report. The decision is expected in early April. Any damages could cost 3M tens of millions of dollars.

Michael “Mike” Roman, is the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of 3M and oversees 90,000 employees worldwide. According to American media, Roman earned about $ 20 million in salary and bonuses in 2020.

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