Big Bazar in Schagen has to close doors: “Every store that leaves is one too many”

Another shop will soon disappear from the center of Schagen. Retail chain Big Bazar can no longer pay the rent for the building in Schagen and also has large payment arrears. The company has one month to vacate the premises.

In a month it will be over with Big Bazar on the Langestraat in Schagen. One of the landlords went to court and last week the court sentenced the retail chain to pay more than 89,000 euros in overdue rent for two shops in Schagen and Wormer. These branches were also told that they are not allowed to stay there and that they must deliver the premises broom clean within a month.

It is a great pity that another store is leaving in Schagen, says Willem Jan Stam, chairman of the shopkeepers association in Schagen and owner of a grocery store in the city. “Every store that leaves is one too many,” he says. Stam had heard before that the bargain shop had a hard time, but did not expect it to close its doors for good.

Another empty building

“So that’s just a shame. It’s another building that needs to be filled up,” says Stam. Schagen has had a hard time keeping shops in the city center in recent years. Especially in the Makado shopping center, buildings have often been empty in recent years. The shopping center is now being renovated from top to bottom, so hopefully new shopkeepers will dare to open a store in the city center of Schagen.

The Big Bazar is not located in the shopping center, but a little further away at two large supermarkets and a pet store. “That location is great there. But there is also a building available there, so apparently it is not that attractive,” says the chairman of the shopkeepers’ association.

Still, he hopes that looking for a new tenant in the Big Bazar building will eventually not be necessary. “Maybe Big Bazar will still pay and there will be a solution.”
