Big Bazar hears something extra for the problem Economy

The Nederlandse winkelketen Big Bazar hoort woensdag van de Rechter in Leeuwarden of het bedrijf meer tijd krijgt om a uitweg uit zijn problems te vinden. It depends on the noodlijdende koopjesketen in the state and is coming from the people who are obliged to do so. The big bazaar is the day before the treatment of the zaak begins this week and a fikse capital injection is carried out, so it is still onduidelijk of this is requested.

Big Bazar wants to have Belgian money sold within the country and can guarantee that the position of the debt holders will never be worse. After all, the 3.5 million euros were worth the extra money. When the deal is concluded, the right-wing party can overlook the issue of the marriage period. This was achieved by the player with an akkoord with his own hands.

He clones the time of the zitting real and also the twijfels of the keten het benodigde bedrag wel op the time within the border. This means the money from the country can come. Various debts are not available in the Big Bazar, nor are they able to provide financial support. The chain has a lot of power and the two levers don’t have the same price.

Afkoeling period

This is not the case with the right one over the other side. After a week we had the right to go to the Big Bazar during the cooling off period. Toen was de conclusie dat de financiële problems van de keten zodanig major waren dat ze niet meer op te losen zouden zijn met extra tijd voor gesprekken met schuleisers. This means that there is no fail-safe operation.

Het own personeel shoots Big Bazar real te hulp. Op de valreep serves de ondernemingsraad van het bedrijf a verzoek in voor het aanstellen van a herstructuringsdeskille, die de problems zou can olossen. Here, the school’s intention is to ensure that the Big Bazar is open to the public and the most important right-hander can be seen at the store.
