Big Bazar has now really been declared bankrupt

Retail chain Big Bazar was officially declared bankrupt by a judge in Amsterdam today. Yesterday the company made a last-ditch attempt to obtain a postponement before the court in Leeuwarden, but it failed.

Big Bazar has been on the brink of bankruptcy several times in recent months. All those times they applied for financial help just before the hearing, in the hope of getting the situation back on track. This was rejected each time, but the applications for bankruptcy were therefore postponed.

In total, more than thirty bankruptcy applications were filed against the retail chain, from creditors who had seen their bills unpaid for some time. These are, for example, landlords of the buildings where Big Bazar was located.

Impact on shopping street

A retail expert told earlier told NH that the bankruptcy of Big Bazar will leave big holes in the North Holland shopping streets. “These are stores with a lot of square meters. Not just any entrepreneur can take that over. The future of retail is not so rosy that entrepreneurs are queuing up to take over retail space.”

A number of stores have already closed in the run-up to the bankruptcy. This is, for example, the case in Schagen, where there is already a lot of vacancy.

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