Biden warns Putin and promises Americans: ‘It will be fine’ | Abroad

At an exciting moment in the world, Joe Biden is doing everything in his State of the Union to find unity in America. He warns Putin and promises the Americans: ‘It will be fine’.

Putin has misjudged the international response to his invasion of Ukraine, Biden said when he addressed the US Congress to discuss the state of the country. The rest of the world went ahead for a while – he started with a message for the rest of the world about the war in Europe.

Putin, Biden says, “thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would step aside. Instead, he faced a wall of strength he never expected. He had to deal with the Ukrainian people.’

Biden envisioned an epic battle between democracy and autocratic leaders. He continues to emphasize not to send troops to Ukraine, but says he is fully behind NATO. “As I’ve made crystal clear, the United States and our allies will defend every inch of NATO countries’ territory with everything our collective might possess. Every inch,” Biden promised.

guest of honor

One of the guests of honor at the speech to the full Congress was Ukrainian Ambassador to Washington, Oksana Markarova. She got a hug from the First Lady and was allowed to sit next to her. Jill Biden had a Ukrainian sunflower stitched on her dress. Many politicians wore yellow-blue ribbons and scarves to show support for Ukraine. Biden made a mistake once and spoke of Iranians.

Shortly before the speech, Biden spoke for half an hour with hunted Ukrainian President Zelensky. He had indicated in an interview with CNN that he mainly hoped for a ‘useful’ message from the American leader. The question is whether he sees the closure of American airspace to Russian planes in this way. The American leader in the State of the Union added that to the package of economic sanctions he already instituted. To ease the pain of higher energy prices domestically, he is releasing an additional 30 million barrels from the strategic oil supply. “I know news can seem alarming, but I want you to know, it’s going to be okay,” he told citizens.


It’s an important speech for Biden. The country shows little confidence in him in opinion polls. The country has just come out of a nerve-wracking pandemic, and now faces the threat of war in Russia. In addition, many of Biden’s plans failed to get off the ground. He is now trying to sell them to Congress.

Again, Biden talked about cheaper childcare, clean energy and cheaper medicines – without much detail about the way there. To fight inflation, Biden says he wants to become less dependent on faltering supplies from abroad, but wants to make more products in America. “Reduce your costs, not your wages.”

He strikingly looks for a middle ground, and that earned him applause from the opposition. This is striking in a country that sometimes threatens to succumb to political polarization and division. Biden explicitly reached out to Republicans when he argued against shrinking police budgets and in favor of securing the southern border. Hardliners like Texas Senator Ted Cruz apparently clapped a little surprised when Biden rode their hobbyhorses. Biden also advocated four undisputed “unity goals” that every American can agree to: fight the drug crisis, improve children’s mental health, help veterans and eradicate cancer.

However, two Congressmen once again showed hostility in American politics. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, the most radical, right-wing Republicans, refused to shake hands with cabinet members. Boebert briefly tried to have a slogan of the previous president, Donald Trump, blackmailed through the room. “Build the wall!” she yelled – but no one joined in, and colleagues told them to be quiet.
