Biden to Buffalo to talk to relatives of shooting

Biden to Buffalo to talk to relatives of shooting

US President Joe Biden will travel to Buffalo, New York on Tuesday, the White House has announced, according to CNN. He will have a meeting with the families of the victims of a deadly shooting that took place there on Saturday in a supermarket.

A white 18-year-old man opened fire at a store in a predominantly black neighborhood. Ten were killed and three injured. The gunman, according to authorities a right-wing extremist, is being charged with a racially motivated hate crime. Eleven of the thirteen victims were black Americans.

Biden has previously condemned the “horrific” shooting and said he finds hate crimes “abhorrent”. “Any act of domestic terrorism, including one committed in the name of an abhorrent white nationalist ideology, contradicts everything we stand for in America. Hate must not have a safe haven. We must do everything in our power to end hate-fuelled domestic terrorism,” he said after the shooting.
