Biden suspects Russia is considering chemical weapons deployment

Overview: Biden suspects Russia is considering chemical weapons deployment

These are the main developments from Monday evening and the night from Monday to Tuesday:

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin’s suggestions that Ukraine biological and chemical weapons developing are a sign that Russia itself is considering using such weapons. US President Joe Biden said on Monday. Biden did not mention further evidence that Russia actually wants to use these kinds of weapons.
  • The Pentagon says it is working on collecting evidence that Russian troops are committing war crimes in Ukraine. For example, Russia would attack arbitrary targets in the war as part of its strategy. “We are certainly seeing clear evidence that Russian troops are committing war crimes and we are helping to gather evidence,” said a spokesman.
  • A shopping center in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, which was hit by a Russian airstrike on Sunday, was used as missile storage and to reload missile systems, according to Russia. At least eight people were killed in the attack, according to Ukrainian authorities.
