Biden stresses at a campaign rally that “democracy is in danger”

11/07/2022 at 02:04


“The elections are a choice between two fundamentally different visions of the United States,” said the American president.

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, declared today at a campaign event held in New York two days before the mid-term legislative elections that “democracy is in danger”.

“As I said before, we are facing one of those turning points, one of those moments that occur every three, four or five generations. We all know deep down that our democracy is in danger,” Biden said at a rally for New York gubernatorial candidate Kathy Hochul, who is closely followed by Republican challenger Lee Zeldin in the polls.

Biden, who He intervened without a tie and chose to speak walking with a microphone in handFar from the lectern in the center of the stage, he insisted that “the elections are a choice between two fundamentally different visions of the United States.”

On one side he placed the followers of Donald Trumpwhom he calls “MAGA Republicans” (an acronym in English for former President Trump’s motto: Make America Great Again) and the other the Democratic Party candidates.

In his speech, defended his policies of public aid for health, of condemnation of student debt or defense of the environment and promised that if after the elections the Democrats control Congress and the Senate, he will advance in the drafting of laws that protect abortion at the national level.

He also stressed that if the Republicans gain control of Congress and pass a law to ban the abortionhe will veto it.

In the elections on November 8, the Congress and part of the Senate will be renewed, in addition to vote for re-election to state chambers and numerous local offices in different statessuch as governors or state prosecutors, among many others, and the polls show a very even fight for national control of both chambers.

The current Governor of New York, a Democratic state since Governor George Pataki (1995-2006), he is seeing his options to prevail in the elections jeopardized after the polls showed a rapid ascent of his opponent in recent weeks.

Faced with the unusual risk of losing one of their main positions in the country, the heavyweights of the Democratic Party, such as The ex-president bill clinton And his wife Hillary or the vice president Kamala Harris have supported Hochul in events held in recent days.
