Biden says it’s a ‘sad day’ for the country

In its first reaction After the decision of the Supreme Court, the president of the USA, joe biden, has harshly criticized the highest court North American. “He is a sad day for the court and for the country”, he declared in a speech delivered at the White House after the news was made public.

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In his opinion, the court decision returns to the country a century and a half, while promising to continue the fight in favor of the reproductive rights Women’s. And she has taken advantage of the occasion to request the vote, in the next midterm elections for those aspiring congressmen who support the right of women to decide. “This fall, Roe is on the ballot; personal freedoms are on the ballot”, affirmed the leader of the White House in reference to the Roe v. Wade casewhich allowed the termination of pregnancy to be considered legal at the federal level in the US.

The leader has warned with special emphasis to the protesters to protest in the coming days against the judicial resolution to do so peacefully.
