Biden: Putin more isolated than ever | Abroad

Biden once again condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Putin’s war was premeditated and unprovoked. He rejected attempts at diplomacy.” Putin has seriously underestimated the West, Biden said. “He thought the West and NATO would not respond. And he thought he could divide us here at home. Putin was wrong. We were ready.”

Russia will be punished for the invasion, Biden promised. The West had no choice but to intervene. “If dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they create more chaos. They keep going. And the cost and the threat to America and the world is growing.” Biden praised unity within NATO and allies. “American diplomacy matters.”

Putin is already feeling the effects of all the sanctions from the West, Biden said. He stressed that the Russian stock market has lost 40% of its value. “The Russian economy is faltering, and Putin is the only culprit.” Internationally, Putin has turned into a pariah, Biden said. “Putin is now more isolated from the rest of the world than ever.”

Biden announced that the US will not allow Russian aircraft in its airspace. Also, American planes are no longer allowed to fly to Russia. He warned Russian oligarchs. “Tonight I say to the Russian oligarchs and corrupt leaders who have raked in billions: This is where it ends. America is launching a special task force targeting oligarchs. That unit will also confiscate goods. “Your yachts, your luxurious apartments and your private jets. We are going after your ill-gotten gains.”


America is currently experiencing the worst inflation in 40 years. That puts Biden under a lot of fire. His rating has never been so low. Only 40% of Americans think he’s doing a good job. The war in Ukraine and sanctions threaten to exacerbate inflation, in particular through high gasoline prices.

Biden pledges to fight inflation and contain gasoline prices. He announced that the US is working with 30 countries to release 60 million barrels of oil from reserve stocks. “And we stand ready to do more if necessary, along with our allies.” He also wants America to make more products domestically. “I call it building a better America. My plan to fight inflation will cut your costs and reduce the budget deficit.” The reports of higher prices may sound alarming, Biden says. “But everything will be fine.”

Biden had invited Ukraine’s ambassador to America Oksana Markaro to attend the speech. She received a standing ovation. Several congressmen were dressed in blue or yellow in support of Ukraine. Biden’s words and plans for Ukraine drew a concerted round of applause from Democrats and Republicans. A unity that was nowhere to be seen in the so divided US Congress.

Keep fighting the virus

Significantly more people were able to attend the speech this time than last year. Face masks were also optional this time. Biden pledged to continue fighting the virus. But it is time to open up the country more. “It’s time for Americans to go back to work and restock our beautiful inner cities.” Schools should also be more open.

Biden said his infrastructure plan, previously approved by Congress, will repair 65,000 miles of highway and 1,500 bridges. He promised that American equipment will be used for this, and that it will create American jobs. He called for unity in the corona approach. “Let’s not see corona as a division along party lines. But seeing it for what it is: a godforsaken terrible disease.”
