Biden has a gelijk at Hoogrechteshof, prikkeldraad in Texas at Mexicaanse grens like away | Buitenland

The prikkeldraad, that over a length of 48 kilometers along the Rio Grande rivier is stretched, state on the grondgebied van de Texaanse overheid, the wind that Biden never strictly had opted for the migration room. The Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, hoopted the manner of illegal overstrikes in the manner.

The court won 5-4 in the election of Biden; Three liberal right-wingers are reported as conservadeeply confessed states opperrechters John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett.

The Republic has raised a large amount of immigrant income from Biden and the stream of illegal internal income across the American borders with Mexico has been criticized – and the Central State is also in the loop near the districts of November 5th, when the Democratic President Biden still has four Jaar aan de Macht hoopt te blijven.

“Deze zaak is still niet ten einde en governor Abbott zal blijven vechten om de eigendommen van Texas te beschermen en de grens te beveiligen en te verdedigen,” zei een woordvoerder van Abbott.

KIJK TERUG. VS makes itself available for Stormloop migrants in a large country in Mexico
