Biden evacuated from vacation home due to pilot mistake | Abroad

US President Joe Biden and his wife Jill had to temporarily evacuate their vacation home on Saturday after a small private jet accidentally flew into closed airspace over the beach house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

According to the White House, there has been no actual threat to the presidential couple. After it turned out to be a pilot error, Biden and his wife returned to their beach house.

The secret service said in a statement that the plane was immediately escorted from the closed airspace. The pilot is questioned. According to an initial investigation, the pilot was not on the correct radio channel and had not consulted published flight guidance beforehand.

As is customary for presidential travel outside of Washington, there are flight restrictions published by the Federal Aviation Administration. No flying is allowed within a radius of 10 miles (16 km) around the accommodation and only limited within a radius of 30 miles.

Pilots are required to check for applicable flight restrictions on their route prior to takeoff. However, accidental airspace violations, especially around temporary restricted zones, are more common.

It is not yet known whether the pilot will be prosecuted.
