Biden calls in speech for much stricter gun law in the US | NOW

US President Joe Biden called on Thursday evening to finally do something about gun violence in the United States. He called it “unconscionable” in a speech from the White House that a majority of Republican senators do not support stricter gun laws.

Among other things, Biden wants to ban the sale of assault weapons to private individuals and Americans who want to buy a weapon should be checked more thoroughly in advance.

He also wants the minimum age at which Americans can buy a gun to be raised from 18 to 21 years. In addition, arms suppliers would no longer be protected from prosecution if people commit violence with their weapons.

“Enough is enough. We cannot disappoint the American people again,” Biden said. “For God’s sake, how much more carnage are we willing to accept.”

Biden gave his speech following the shooting in Uvalde, Texas last week. Eighteen-year-old Salvador Ramos shot and killed 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school. He had recently legally purchased two assault rifles and ammunition.

As the presidential candidate, Biden pledged to implement tougher gun laws to reduce the country’s tens of thousands of annual deaths from firearms. However, he and his party members do not have enough votes for that in Congress. According to the president, this is partly due to the gun lobby. It is influential, especially in rural, sparsely populated states.

Those states, where gun ownership is rife, have disproportionate representation in the U.S. Senate, where a majority of 60 out of 100 votes is needed to pass most legislation.
