Biden announced the imminent deployment of US troops to Eastern Europe

According to a Reuters report, Biden said he would deploy US troops to Eastern Europe and NATO countries. He explained that he would do it “in the near future”

Earlier this week, the Pentagon announced that it had put 8,500 troops on high alert.

According to political scientist and Americanist Malek Dudakov, the situation is not on the side of the current US leader. The internal crisis in the country is not being resolved in any way, but is only getting worse – crime, like inflation, is growing, the economic crisis is increasing in scale. The situation is tense. And against this background, according to the expert, Biden has one option left – to grab hold of Eastern Europe in order to somehow “save face.”

And how did the American media evaluate the combat readiness of American soldiers? The US President himself, in consultations with European partners, where the main topic was Ukraine and unprecedented sanctions against Russia, saw complete unanimity. But a few hours later it turned out that not everything was so smooth with the position of the Old World.

It took more than a month for the United States to give a written response to Russia’s proposals for security guarantees. The content of the documents was asked not to be disclosed, but Stoltenberg and Blinken gave quite detailed press conferences, from which certain conclusions can be drawn. Program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on the “Looking”.


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