Biden administration calls for $26 billion for NASA in 2023

After lengthy discussions with NASA administrators, the White House has finally decided on the budget to be claimed with Congress for fiscal year 2023. The Biden administration asks for $26 billionit is 2 billion more than in 2022.

$7.5 billion for NASA’s Artemis program

With this budget, Joe Biden and his teams want to allow the American space agency to achieve its objectives. Of the $26 billion claimed, 7.5 billion will be devoted to the Artemis program which aims to put humans on the moon again. This huge budget should also make it possible to finance the second lander requested by NASA a few days ago. Along with the development of SpaceX’s Starship, NASA is returning to its initial wish to ensure some competition between two entities.

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For Bill Nelson, the NASA administrator, the White House’s budget request is “a signal of support for our missions and for a new era of exploration and discovery. That’s excellent news “. Indeed, Joe Biden shows that he wants to give back all its greatness to the conquest of space and allow the US space agency to regain control of the subject. Current tensions with Russia may have weighed in the balance. Kind of like the 1960s.

Joe Bien puts the conquest of space back in the spotlight

The NASA administrator adds that this is “investment in businesses, corporations and universities that work in partnership with NASA in all 50 states of the country”. As part of the Artemis program, NASA wants to land astronauts on the Moon no earlier than 2025. After this first mission which will put humans on the Moon, the American space agency intends to ensure a regular link to the Moon, and to carry out a series of even more ambitious and longer expeditions.

In particular, NASA plans to assemble and operate a space station near the so-called moon. This is already under study and should be called Gateway. In this regard, Bill Nelson points out that “Soon, we will return to the Moon with the Artemis program. We will learn to live and work in a hostile environment, and then we will go to Mars in the late 2030s. President Biden’s proposed $26 billion budget for NASA will allow us to start making this happen.”. From now on, this budget is in the hands of members of Congress.
