Biathlon live: World Championship relay single mixed (Mixed) in the live ticker | 02/16/2023 15:10


Trio together again

Meanwhile, Røiseland, Vittozzi and Hauser have found each other again at the front. If Austria can continue the race like this, then a lot is possible today, because Sweden is currently 23 seconds behind the trio and will have to hope for mistakes.


5. Shoot

Germany, on the other hand, is now going backwards again. Sophia Schneider cannot avoid the penalty loop and is now clearly losing ground to the top nations. The German duo is now 1:14 minutes behind. France, 56 seconds behind, also has nothing to report when it comes to the medals.


5. Shoot

At the shooting range, the women are now asked to do the prone position again. Hauser fires the first shot, but the second cartridge misses immediately and that’s what takes care of it now. Italy and Norway miss by five goals. But Hauser can quickly put in the spare and stays close at 4.4 seconds. So Austria stays on course!


Røiseland reduced

Røiseland has reduced the gap towards Hauser on the route and there are now only a few meters between the two athletes. Lisa Vittozzi is also staying close. They should probably come shooting together right away.


2nd change

It’s the second change. Austria moves to first place, 2.2 seconds ahead of Norway. Italy is 4.8 seconds behind in third place. Germany moves to fourth, 35.8 seconds behind Sweden and Finland. Switzerland is 15th after three spares from Hartweg in the fourth standing stage.


4. Shoot

Giacomel and Komatz come together for their first standing stage. Can they maintain the top positions against the competition? Giacomel shoots first, but the first mistake is not long in coming. Komatz is much better on the road, bringing Austria the lead with five sure hits! Directly behind after a quick shot Johannes Thingnes Bø. Philipp Nawrath, on the other hand, is struggling after the first strong shooting and is just able to avoid the penalty loop. The distance to the front increases to over 30 seconds.


Nawrath stays tuned

Nawrath stays close to Johannes Thingnes Bø and the gap to the front is a good ten seconds after 5.1 kilometers. Italy and Austria continue to set the pace there.


3. Shoot

Sebastian Samuelsson had already struggled at the start of the regular mixed relay and even now everything doesn’t fit together in his first shooting. He needs three spare rounds before it can go back on track. Sweden falls back 20 seconds. Claude did better for France, who reduced the gap to the front with a fast and accurate shooting.


3. Shoot

It’s back to the shooting range. Italy, Sweden and Austria arrive together. No one in the leading group remains flawless. Can Nawrath now use this to get Germany back on track? Yes! With a clean shooting, he rejoins just behind Johannes Thingnes Bø in fourth. Italy and Austria are in the lead, with Komatz going out again with one spare.


Giacomel accelerates

Giacomel is stepping on the gas at the front and of course wants to avoid that Johannes Thingnes Bø can catch up a lot in front. He has run almost two seconds since the change.


1st change

And immediately after the shooting range, it’s the men’s turn. Italy are the first to make the change, with Lisa Theresa Hauser handing over to David Komatz, 1.8 seconds behind. Sweden changes in third position ahead of Norway. Here are now Sebastian Samuelsson and Johannes Thingnes Bø on the track. Sophia Schneider gives her partner Philipp Nawrath a deficit of 21.6 seconds. France and Switzerland are far behind, with Häcki-Groß now even having to go into the penalty loop. You are missing more than 50 seconds.


2. Shoot

And already the first athletes are back at the shooting range. This time the targets have to fall in standing. It starts quickly, but the discs stop just as quickly. Vittozzi goes out again with a spare. Hauser stays close and she only needs one spare. For Schneider, however, it’s now going back with three spares.


Tailor in front

On the course, Sophia Schneider is doing well at the front and finds herself in the leading group with Hauser, Vittozzi and Öberg. Marte Olsbu Røiseland has already gained a few seconds and is now seventh, 13.3 seconds back.


Jeanmonnot with difficulties

Lou Jeanmonnot has minor problems reloading and also has to lose a few seconds on the first shot. She goes back on track 20.8 seconds behind Switzerland.


1. Shoot

With the short loop of just 1.5 kilometers, it doesn’t take long for the athletes to come to the first of a total of eight shooting stages in this competition. At the shooting range, it is important to be quick and accurate. Sophia Schneider, who scores five goals, is really good at it. Lisa Theresa Hauser is also great. Lisa Vittozzi also hit all the targets. Marte Olsbu Røiseland needs two spares, Lena Häcki-Groß needs three spares straight away.


First small gaps

There are already some small gaps in the field. But the top nations are still all in the lead and are allowed to go to the shooting range together.


Here we go!

The starting shot has been fired and the 27 start runners go on a short lap. Sophia Schneider starts for Germany. Switzerland and Austria are traveling with Lena Häcki-Groß and Lisa Theresa Hauser. Favorite Norway sends Marte Olsbu Røiseland into the race. Lisa Vittozzi from Italy and Hanna Öberg from Sweden are considered to be their biggest competitors.


This is how the single mixed relay works

The single mixed relay is a very fast and dynamic competition. The woman starts today, runs a lap before it goes to the prone position. Another round then follows before handing over to the man right after the standing stage, who does the same routine before it’s the turn of the women again. In the final part, an additional round is run after the last shooting. In the single-mixed relay, three spare cartridges are available for each shooting. If there is still a disc after that, there is a short penalty loop of 75 meters.


The ÖSV single mixed

The Austrian team also counts on a small chance of winning the medals in the shooting-heavy competition. The decision is started by Lisa Theresa Hauser. David Komatz will do the male part.


What’s up for Switzerland?

In the single-mixed relay, Switzerland has already come up trumps in the World Cup and even today the chances of a top result for the Swiss duo are by no means bad. Lena Häcki-Groß and Niklas Hartweg were nominated for today’s race.


The German duo

Germany was able to take a medal in the fast team competition at the title fights in Antholz. At that time, Franziska Preuss and Erik Lesser were on the run. In front of their home crowd in Oberhof, Sophia Schneider and Philipp Nawrath were nominated for the single mixed. For her part, Denise Herrmann-Wick is skipping the competition and will concentrate on the decisions at the weekend.


Next gold for Bø?

Johannes Thingnes Bø is the dominator of these World Championships and so far the Norwegian has won gold in every competition. Today he and his teammate Marte Olsbu Røiseland are the top favorites for the gold medal. In this constellation, Norway had already won gold twice in the mixed singles. The biggest challengers are Sweden with Hanna Öberg and Sebastian Samuelsson and France. Today, however, they are not running with top star Julia Simon, but with Lou Jeanmonnot. Next to her is Fabien Claude for France. Italy with Giacomel and Vittozzi must also be on the list.


Hello and welcome to the World Championship decision in the single mixed relay! The live ticker starts in good time before the start of the competition.
