Bianca Balti shows her mastectomy scars on Instagram

«Nonew year, new me. Bianca Balti couldn’t have used a better caption for the Instagram posts New Year’s Eve. The model from Lodi, 38, was immortalized naked in her home in Los Angeles, putting her in plain sight the scars of preventive mastectomy carried out on 8 December.

Bianca Balti and preventive mastectomy

Last summer the fashion star confided in her newsletter that she has been diagnosed the BRCA1 genetic mutation which increases the risk of contracting breast and/or ovarian cancer. Hence the decision to have the ovaries and tubes removed in advance. Then the choice of preventive mastectomy for the removal of the breasts. The same choice made by another star, Angelina Jolie, who had been diagnosed with the same genetic mutation. «I can’t afford to get sick as I carry, alone, the economic responsibility of everyone on my shoulders. Because I would like my girls to find in me the strength to act if one day they too are diagnosed. Because I love life too much not to do everything possible to preserve ithe had explained before the surgery.

The scars on social media

The model wanted to share her story to support and get closer to all women who are in the same situation. Immediately after the surgery she updated her followers on her health conditions and, for New Year’s Eve, she decided to also show the scars of the surgery on Instagram. Here she is without veils on the bed and with the marks under her breasts clearly visible. A way to relaunch a new beauty that goes beyond schemes and canons, to showcase courageous choices, without taboos or prejudices.

Life is Beautiful

After intervention, the supermodel has a new awareness of herself and her body. She is serene and eager to share this state of mind with her followers. “This year I feel great. I feel so serene that if I feel this way a third of the days of the new year I could be crowned the happiest person in the world» she wrote in her newsletter sent just on New Year’s Day. Leaving a special wish to her readers: «Everything passes, good things and bad things. When we are experiencing a happy moment, let us stop and say it: “life is beautiful!”».

