Beyoncé removes Kelis sample from new album | Stars

Kelis lashed out at Beyoncé last week and called it theft when it turned out that her song had been used unsolicited. “I am perplexed at how disrespectful and ignorant the parties involved have acted. I found out about this at the same time as everyone else. “Nothing is ever what it seems, some people in this business have no soul and no integrity and fool everyone,” she said.

The singer subsequently received quite a few Beyoncé fans who stated that she is jealous of the success of their idol, but according to Kelis, that is not the case. “I’m not jealous that someone is using my work, that’s the stupidest thought I’ve ever heard. The point is that as artists you have to have the decency among each other to let each other know these kinds of things, that should make sense.”

Beyoncé now seems to agree with that criticism and has a new version of energy put online on the various streaming platforms. According to Rolling Stone The old version is still available on YouTube.

It is already the second song that Beyoncé from Renaissance adapts. Earlier it became clear that Heated a new version comes because she used the term “spaz” in it, which critics say is derogatory to people with disabilities. A Beyoncé spokesperson said the word was “not intentionally used in a harmful way” and that it “will be replaced in the text.”
