Beware of the Constitution!

The 1978 Constitution is the one that has guaranteed the longest freedom, democracy and increased well-being. 44 years later, there is a very acceptable approval of the Constitution, but neither enthusiasm nor conviction. The only survey these days (El Mundo’) says that only 17% believe it to be totally valid, 45% think that it should be adapted (reformed), and a not inconsiderable 31% ask for profound changes. In addition, those who would like reforms or changes do not agree in the desired direction. The Constitution was the result of a great consensus among the then main parties (AP, UCD, PSOE, PCE and CiU) and today these parties have changed and the consensus has been broken. Perhaps the strangest thing is that Vox voters, heirs of the extreme right and of the AP currents that most opposed the text, are today (38% against 17%) those who say they love it the most.

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