Bevolkingsaantal Rusland kan tegen midden deze eeuw dalen tot ebene 19de eeuw | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The population of Russia can be reached in the middle of the 19th century. This is reported by the Russian Statistical Bureau Rosstat. The army of Russia is at the top of the valley of the largest land in the world as a population center.

As the largest country in the world with oppervlakte, Russia is part of it. With a total of 17 million square kilometers, the number is twofold: Canada, with 9.9 million square kilometers.

Op het vlak van populationsaantal is also different. The state of Russia has the benefit of 146 million residents on the negative beds. This means that the words are in the top three words.


The Russian Statistical Bureau Rosstat has a forecast for the evolution of the population until 2046 and is not reliable. In the most optimistic scenario, the price was 4.6 million, while in the most pessimistic scenario, the figure was 15.4 million.

In the base scenario, Rosstat has a population of 7.3 million over the next 22 years. The total population of the army is 138.8 million inhabitants and will come in 2046 (new areas never seen). This is at the level of 1980, from Russia to the Soviet Union.

In 1980 the Soviet Union was honored by Leonid Brezjnev (right), here in the photo with American President Gerald Ford. © AP

The most optimistic scenario is based on a large population of migrants and a contracting of the natural population: a settlement of the aantal geboortes and a daling of the aantal sterfgevallen, tegen de Achtergrond van a “aanzienlijke stijging” of the levensverwachting. The result of Rosstat from 74.28 years in 2024 to 84.57 years in 2045.


In the most pessimistic scenario, the population will reach 130.6 million inhabitants in 2046. The natural migratory population cannot be compensated for. Rosstat also has its own foundation for the period. President Poetin blew the title of the title ‘Moeder-Heroine’ from the Soviet Union in a new way, for women and children.

This cijfer comes overeen with the population center on the one of the 19th century in Russia. The first official population of 1897 reported 126.4 million residents. In 1900 it was worth 132.9 million. Everything is in the first place and in the Tweede Wereldoorlog reports that the population center is still at the level of storage.

President Poetin encourages the Krijgen van Meerdere Kinderen aan in Russia.
President Poetin encourages the Krijgen van Meerdere Kinderen aan in Russia. © AP

The pessimistic scenario loops min of sea with the economic and social forecasts of the United Nations (VN). They monitor the Russian population in 2050, which costs 133 million people. This country has Russia as the top of the world’s largest lands in the world of population and land in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Mexico.


Volgens a study The University of Washington, which will be publishing ‘The Lancet’ in 2020, will be published in Russia in 2020. The 2100 words were written to 106.4 million people. The largest country in the world has a population in India, Nigeria, China, the United States and Pakistan.

Kremlinfluisteraar Nikolaj Patroesjev, “de man die gif in Poetins oor druppelt” (+)
