Beverage brand Fiorito puts Lil Kleine aside | show

The limoncello brand Fiorito has ended its collaboration with rapper Lil Kleine. That is what founder Franco Fiorito of the company says to RTL Z.

The Dutch beverage company proudly announced in 2020 that rap artist Lil Kleine and his manager Nathan Moszkowicz were going to invest in the company as new shareholders. Fiorito makes artisanal spirits like limoncello and lemon rum, and is owned by founders Franco and Benno Fiorito.

Last year, the collaboration with the rapper was already put on hold, after reports that Lil Kleine would have mistreated his girlfriend in Ibiza.

Jorik Scholten, as Lil Kleine is really called, was arrested on Sunday evening on suspicion of aggravated assault and/or assault, two days after he was sentenced by a judge to 120 hours of community service for the kicking a man at a nightclub. That was the direct reason for Fiorito to say goodbye to the rapper.

“Last Monday we definitively terminated the cooperation,” Fiorito told RTL Z. “We disapprove of any form of violence. We’ve been around for ten years and just don’t want to be associated with this stuff.”

The founder of the beverage group could not say exactly how the shareholding of Lil Kleine is handled.
