Between grip and vulnerability: Wim Jonk not blind to what is not going well at FC Volendam

It was certainly flattering, but the 1-4 defeat that FC Volendam suffered in their own stadium against NEC this afternoon certainly hit hard. Nevertheless, trainer Wim Jonk mainly focuses on the things that went well. “We have had sixteen, seventeen goal attempts. There must be goals in between.”

After the 1-0 lead in the 11th minute, the Volendam team conceded two goals within a few minutes due to weak defense. Afterwards the breaking point, although Jonk points to the many opportunities that his team left behind to make it 2-2.

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FC Volendam coach Wim Jonk after the home defeat against NEC – NH Sport / Edward Dekker

Just like last week, Benaissa Benamar played in midfield. He scored against FC Groningen, now he gave the assist for the 1-0 with a beautiful pass to Daryl van Mieghem.

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Benaissa Benamar was the best man of FC Volendam against NEC – NH Sport / Edward Dekker

FC Volendam fought back against FC Groningen after a 2-0 deficit, so that the Volendam team got on the bus with a good feeling. So now follows a hefty 1-4 home defeat.

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FC Volendam trainer Wim Jonk knows it has to be better – NH Sport/Edward Dekker

Six goals against after two matches is a lot, although Jonk sees it differently. “That’s your analysis. I look at the things we’ve done well and I’m not blind to the things that didn’t go well.”

FC Volendam will not be in action next weekend. The away game against PSV has been postponed because the Eindhoven players have qualified for the play-offs of the Champions League. The next competition match is now at home again on Sunday 28 August, against FC Twente. The following Wednesday, PSV – FC Volendam will be overtaken.

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