Between a rock and a hard place

***** (Five stars)

The two movies that Tashlin did with the pair Martin & Lewis are great: one is Artists and Models (hopefully it appears…) and the other, Between a rock and a hard place, which narrates how the two boys go to Hollywood a little at random and laughs a lot at the commonplaces of the Mecca of Cinema.

The two are at the best of their time together, flawlessly, perfectly in sync: Martin as the heartthrob, Lewis as the innocent (Lewis scripted the duet, incidentally, and made Martin, originally a comedian, actually become a singer Romantic).

The result is not only brilliant in every way (those unrepeatable colors) but the timing of Tashlin, who was the first creator of cartoons (bugs bunny and company owe him a great deal) allows the mockery to be both acidic and friendly.

There was a happy time, friends, when people filled the cinemas to see these jewels.

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