Bettina Wegner is a very strong voice in Berlin

By Jan Schilde

Everything she did in her life was authentic, always straightforward, upright. The singer-songwriter Bettina Wegner (75) – born in Lichterfelde, grew up in Pankow, expatriated in the GDR because of her opposition to the state, now based in Frohnau – was honored with this year’s BZ Culture Prize.

She never allowed herself to be bent, always stayed true to herself and her attitudes. That’s what makes their music so special, the authenticity, the honesty (also towards themselves, by the way), the ability to suffer. Their songs are extremely touching.

Her poetry is direct, clear, accusatory, beautiful, it goes straight to the soul. In addition, the voice, the power of which gives additional emphasis to directness. Their songs are like stabs in the heart, often painful.

The BZ calls itself the voice of Berlin. However, we do not claim sole responsibility for this. Because there is no doubt that Bettina Wegner is a voice in Berlin, and a particularly strong one.

And not just because she still speaks so broadly about Berlin today. Her music, her life, her fighting for so many things – for love, for justice, for peace, for humanity, for the environment – make her a very special person, a very special Berliner.
