Better to appeal to reason than turn off the hot water

The Reuter West power plant in Berlin;  BZ editor-in-chief Miriam Kerkel comments on the threat of energy rationing

The Reuter West power plant in Berlin; BZ editor-in-chief Miriam Kerkel comments on the threat of energy rationing Photo: picture alliance/dpa/BZ assembly

By Miriam Krekel

The topic of energy has played an even greater role than before, especially since Putin’s troops invaded Ukraine. But slowly the nerves are on edge.

In Saxony, a cooperative has now prescribed hot water times for its tenants for the first time. Sound crazy? yes it does

And it’s actually like this: In the evening there’s only warm water until 9 p.m. Anyone who does sport later has had bad luck. Crazy: Supposedly (the/all) tenants agreed. To protect yourself from the price explosion. I would have thought you could take a warm shower after 9 p.m. if you wanted to.

Unfortunately, a look at the electricity exchanges also makes it clear that things are getting serious. The dramatic development: on July 1, the price for European gas on the wholesale exchange rose by 74 percent to EUR 148/MWh compared to mid-June.

When you hear the announcement by Brandenburg’s Economics Minister Jörg Steinbach in the BZ exclusive interview, it becomes even clearer: He is almost certain that there will be a complete gas stop on Monday. The Berlin-Brandenburg region will be particularly hard hit.

However, even then I would rather appeal to people’s common sense than take the warm water away from them.


gas water
