Bethanie Guidance Center is back in its familiar location, but the waiting list is long

Bethanie Guidance Center is back in its familiar location, but the waiting list is long

In addition to a day center for 10 girls, there are also 10 beds in rooms and studios. Bethanie also guides another 14 girls at home. They have a difficult home situation or the juvenile judge refers them. There used to be many more beds here, but the insights are different now. “One of the most important things is that we think it is important that young people can stay at home as long as possible. Placing a child in care is a very drastic event. So if we can leave them at home and strengthen the home context, that is better,” says Rudy Van Eeckhout from Bethanie. (read more below the photo)

But the infrastructure may have been adjusted, but the major pain point of the long waiting lists remains. “We have a waiting list that is two to three times our capacity. If the minister were to agree that we get more supervisors and recognition, that would certainly be useful, our house also allows it. But it is a matter of money. , of conversion in the sector. It is going very slowly,” he continues.
