Best Workplaces for Women 2022: the new ranking of the best jobs for women

C.he what makes a company a woman-friendly workplace? Many things: from the value given to meritocracy to salary equity, to career opportunities, but also to involvement in decisions and time management. These and others are the factors that have led to the podium of the 2022 ranking Best Workplaces for Womendrawn up every year by Great Place to Work Italia, on the basis of a survey submitted to 20 thousand female workers, Sebach SpA, well known in the mobile toilet rental sector, American Express Italia and AHK, which provides management consultancy.

In these companies the presence of women is very strong, at all levels: 54% of employees are women, a much higher percentage than 28% of the other companies analyzed, and 43% of top management is female compared to 26% registered at national level. Another very important and useful indicator for the ranking was the Parity Index, which groups wage equality, meritocracy, gender equity and time management. Here the difference between the 20 Best Workplaces for Women and the national average is very significant: +18 points percentages with respect to the perception of the gender pay gap, +16 on meritocracy, +12 on aspects related to justice, +8 on the perception of gender equity e +6 on time management. As for the work life balance and the involvement of female workers in corporate changes, here too the difference is several percentage points: 85% against 65 for the work life balance, and 82 against 67, again in favor of the top 20 companies.

In short, the data show that change is possible, and that a respectful, positive climate is possible, and that there is room for professional growth, especially for innovative companies, available for change. Not by chance, the most represented are those in the pharmaceutical, professional services and IT sectors. And, again not surprisingly, the 20 Best excel both in the Innovation Index, which measures the ability to take into consideration the proposals of collaborators and to experiment, regardless of the result, and for 17% more than the others in the positive response. to the question about the possibility of developing new ways of working in the last year. “Female inclusion is not just an ethical issue», Comments Beniamino Bedusa, president of Great Place to Work Italia. “But it is a fundamental element for everyone and for everyone in every moment of company management”.

