Best supermarkets and discount stores where to shop, the ranking

ANDsselunga And Hypercoop they like them for the quality of their products, Eurospin and Aldi for convenience. But Italians also appreciate local signs. So what are your favorite supermarkets? And above all for what reasons? The answer comes as always from the annual survey on satisfaction with supermarkets, hypermarkets and discount stores, to which almost ten thousand Altroconsumo members who are accustomed to shopping very often respond.

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Which supermarkets are most loved by Italians?

The Italian consumer is very demanding when it comes to spending. It’s not enough for him to save, which is certainly central in this period of generalized price increases, but he also wants to be satisfied with the purchasing experience. A good assortmentA good quality of products, even those that are usually purchased in specialized shops such as fish, speed andefficiency of the cash registers these are all factors that contribute to the satisfaction of those who go to the supermarket. The large chains know this and are increasingly focusing on the shopping experience to gain the trust of their customers.

The most loved among the big names

There satisfaction with the prices in general it is the aspect that most influences overall satisfaction with a supermarket chain, followed by satisfaction with the products purchased, there quality general of own-brand products, the comfort and product range available.

Among the favorite chains, also for online purchases, there are the big names of Made in Italy distribution: long S on top and HyperCoop just one point away. In third place Nature Yesa brand dedicated to organic food: its value characteristic evidently makes a strong impression on consumers who are attentive to the environment.

Their strong point? There product quality. As for discount stores, where obviously the price lever is the driver of choice, the favorites are Eurospin and Aldi.

The ranking of the most popular supermarkets, discount stores and neighborhood shops (Altroconsumo)

Local supermarkets

I also like them local supermarkets, i.e. the signs present only in specific regions. The best local sign, according to research, is Dema chain with several supermarkets located between Rome and Frosinone, followed closely by Tosanoa group of 19 supermarkets present in the provinces of Verona, Vicenza, Brescia, Venice, Mantua, Treviso, Ferrara, Padua and Udine, particularly attractive for their prices.

I don’t like online shopping very much

As regards purchasing habits, the study revealed that the majority of those interviewed go shopping to the supermarket at least once or twice a week, while almost a quarter go even more often. 33% of those interviewed choose the store mainly for practical reasons, such as proximity at home or at work. 25%, however, do it for economic reasonsalways focusing on the most convenient brands.

Online shopping, on the other hand, just isn’t taking off in the preferences of our sample: almost eight out of ten interviewees confessed that they had never used this possibility, much preferring to physically go to their trusted supermarket.

In the end, how much you spend to do the shopping every month? On average 409 euros, 27 euros more than in 2022. The increases are certainly felt, and are even more severe as the number of people in the family increases. So to save, beyond the supermarket chain you prefer, you have to aim for do your shopping more rationally. The experts at Altroconsumo also offer some well-tested stratagems.

The first, fundamental, is to always carry one with you shopping list, made after checking what is there in the pantry and refrigerator and what is close to expiring. Better to go then to the supermarket on a full stomachpreferring the time slot after breakfast or after lunch, when the raw materials are even fresher.

When you have to buy little, it’s better to take the basket: Carts are typically quite large, which can lead to filling them up more and also buy much more than you need. And before paying, one last check of the products purchased: do you really need everything that was put in the cart?
