Best practices to boost your B2B e-commerce performance

For several years, digital has been transforming the B2B e-commerce sector. For companies, this means rethinking the buying process, the strategies adopted and the processes put in place. However, it also offers opportunities. In this ebook, the Dn’D Agency, which specializes in consulting, design, development and support for merchant sitesreveals ten best practices to adopt within your online store to improve your B2B e-commerce performance.


Deploy an effective content marketing strategy

Regardless of the sector in which they operate, the main objective of e-commerce companies remains the same: to make sales and ensure a good return on investment (ROI). To achieve this, it may be wise to implement a content marketing strategy. Concretely, this involves creating textual or visual content intended for several channels. They allow you to position yourself as a leader in a market, but not only. They are also useful for providing information about its products and services to its prospects. This is a natural way to turn them into leads.

In the same category

Shopify logo.

Shopify wants deliveries as fast as Amazon

Today, many brands rely on articles, images and videos to develop their business. This is demonstrated in particular by the report on the impact of B2B content marketing carried out by the Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs and ON24 in 2021. It reveals that 77% of B2B marketers have a content marketing strategy in place. their organization. One of the reasons for this dynamic is the proven success of content marketing actions. By downloading this white paper, you will get valuable advice on how to set them up.

Couple your E-Commerce platform with a CRM solution

In B2B, companies face multiple challenges. Among them, a buyer’s journey that is more complex than in B2C, the multiplicity of decision-makers when selling a product or even a restricted target audience. So many elements to which a CRM can help respond. It has various advantages, starting with contact management.

The tool provides a well-organized database, containing all the contacts that have taken place with prospects and customers. All this information is accessible at a glance from a centralized dashboard. This characteristic is essential to carry out the sales process. This is particularly the case in B2B commerce, where closing a sale sometimes requires contacting the same prospect several times, at different stages of the buying journey.

To discover the benefits of a CRM for qualifying leads, personalizing the buyer’s journey and aligning your marketing and sales teams, don’t forget to download this ebook.


Offer free delivery

Free shipping is a powerful marketing tool for an e-commerce brand, especially when it can reduce cart abandonment. A study conducted in 2018 by the American company Pitney Bowes Global eCommerce indicates that 91% of consumers will leave an e-commerce site if fast and free shipping of ordered products is not offered.

For this reason, it is essential to be interested in the different options for offering free delivery. In particular, it is necessary to be interested in the way in which it affects its profit margins. As agency Dn’D explains in this whitepaper, while the free shipping option can help increase revenue, the cost of covering shipping costs for each sale isn’t always beneficial. .

However, there are alternatives. For example, it is possible to offer free delivery when a certain amount is spent on its site. Other possibilities exist, all allowing to boost its commercial performances. To find them, just download the ebook.

Introduce quote generation and online negotiation

For many B2B companies, quoting is a central part of the lead generation process. However, this is a time-consuming task, as a document has to be created for each potential client. This can quickly become more complex when you want to process a large number of prospects daily. To facilitate the process, it is essential to opt for a method of generating a simple and detailed estimate, which makes it possible to meet the specific needs of each client.

This is where automation comes in. In the case of the creation of quotes, it is possible to program parameters based on the information provided by its prospects in order to adapt its proposals to their specific needs and to automate the whole process. This way, potential customers get the quote faster and have a seamless experience. For its part, the company saves considerable time. Each team can then concentrate on its core business and on the growth of the organization.

By picking up this white paper, you will find that there is also quote management software that pulls in all available product, price, shipping, and customer data. This is particularly practical for making a personalized proposal, based on predefined rules.

Six other good practices are revealed through this ebook. To discover them all and accelerate the development of your B2B e-commerce activity, download the Dn’D agency white paper now !

