Bessin new boss – AfD remains right-wing extremist

Two years after neo-Nazi Andreas Kalbitz (49) was kicked out, the AfD Brandenburg has a chair again: Vice-party leader Birgit Bessin (44), a Kalbitz confidante.

With 53 to 44 percent she defeated the member of the Bundestag René Springe (42). Although Bessin’s members are running away. More than 300 AfDler have left the party since 2020, 77 of them Bessin’s Teltow-Fläming district association. “Disputes were one reason for the resignations,” she says, “I want to bring the party back together.”

Because the topics refugees and corona no longer draw, the AfD is now a social party. The right-wing extremists want to take advantage of the inflation frustration and fight against the Russia sanctions. Although Putin’s war is the main reason for the price increase.
