‘Besmetting op 15 December ontdekt’

In de Europese Unie en het Verenigd Koninkrijk zijn al 105 salmonellabesmettingen linked to het eten van other Kinder Surprise en Schokobons. The best chocolate is made in the Belgische fabriek in Aarlen. Volgens de gezondheidsautoriteiten is the first geval on 7 January detected in the United Kingdom. If it’s February 17, besmettingen will be vastgesteld in disappearing countries.

Same with voedselveiligheidsautoriteiten onderzocht het bedrijf de oorsprong van de salmonellabesmetting. “In the kader van onze controlemaatregelen will op 15 december salmonella be detected in de vestiging in Aarlen in België. After a basic request, the door is identified as a filter from two main reservoirs. Materials and finished products are blocked and not geleverd”, het says in a mededeling.

Ferrero shows the filters not more and used in the controls on the products “aanzienlijk” and raised verhoogd.

In total there are eight different rules: 63 in the United Kingdom, 20 in France, 10 in Ireland, 4 in Germany, 4 in Zweden, 2 in the Netherlands, 1 in Noorwegen and 1 in Luxembourg. In Belgium there are 26 possible besmettingen vastgesteld, but these are not officially announced. Australië holds intussen also Kinder-eitjes uit de rekken.
