Besmetting met apenpokken duikt op in Engeland | Nieuws

A besmetting with the zeldzame apenpokkenvirus is reported in Engeland. That reports the BBC. The virus is vastgesteld by a patient who traveled from Nigeria to Groot-Brittannië, adus de Britse gezondheidsautoriteiten.

“It is important to note that ‘monkeypox’ is not a specific word on the people and that there is a risk for the population that is small,” says Colin Brown, medical director of the UKHSA.

Het erg zeldzame virus, was most mensen na een aantal weken van genezen, was voor het eerst in 2018 in Groot-Brittannië vastgesteld. Were you still owed to a few bevestigde.

Meestal comes het voor in Afgelegen areas in Central and West Africa, near tropical rain forest. ‘Monkeypox’ is not a word that is not common in Africa, but also known as eekhoorns and rats.

The patient was treated in a special treatment of a London home. Bij apenpokken heeft men griepsymptomen and kenmerkende huiduitslag.
