Beşiktaş’s new transfer Jean Onana is in Istanbul! – Breaking Beşiktaş news

Continuing its preparations for the new season, Beşiktaş is experiencing important developments in the transfer. The black and white team brought Jean Onana, whom they wanted to add to their staff for a long time, to Istanbul. The star player will sign the contract after the health checks.

It is known that black and white executives shook hands with Lens in exchange for a 5 million euro testimonial fee. The 23-year-old player, who will be signed to a 4-year contract, will be paid 1.5 million euros. Jean Onana played in 23 official matches for Lens last season. In his professional club career, the young player, who played 103 official matches and made 6 goals and 4 assists, played for the clubs of Leixoes, Lille, Royal Excel Mouscron, Bordeaux and Lens, respectively.

>Beşiktaş’s new transfer, Jean Onana, came to Istanbul!” class=”lazyload” src=”” data-src=””/></picture></p><p>
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