BEŞİKTAŞ TRANSFER NEWS – Gaziantep FK is also active for Atınç Nukan, who is on Beşiktaş’s agenda! …

After being relegated from the Super League, Göztepe, which parted ways with 19 players due to sales, contract expiry and the decision of the technical committee, also aspired to Atınç Nukan. According to the news in Yeni Asır, after Beşiktaş, Gaziantep FK, the Super League representative, stepped in for the defender, whose injury continued from last season and whose contract is still in Göztepe. While contacting the 29-year-old defender’s manager, the Antep team also closely monitors his health.


According to the seriousness of Atınç’s injury, who will miss the first 2-3 weeks in Spor Toto 1st League, Gaziantep FK officials will convey their official offer to the yellow-red team. Finally, it was learned that Göz-Göz management, which sold Berkan Emir to Eyüpspor, could also grant Atınç a transfer permit in the face of an attractive offer. It was stated that Atınç, who transferred to Göztepe from Beşiktaş three seasons ago, wants to return to the Super League again.
