Beşiktaş President Ahmet Nur Cebi: No Beşiktaş fan will ever give up on their club.

Beşiktaş Club President Ahmet Nur Çebi attended the 19th anniversary celebration of the İskenderun Beşiktaş People’s Association in Hatay.

Chairman Cebi, in his speech here, stated that no Beşiktaş fan would give up their club and said, “Beşiktaş is a stance.”

Underlining that sports are brotherhood, Çebi said:

“Our view of being a Beşiktaş fan is to accept the value of our opponents as they are and to meet them with respect. It is even to know how to walk with them. Therefore, I state that I care about the unifying and fraternal side of sports. We set out for the unity and solidarity that I demanded and wished for our Beşiktaş at the last congress, I would like to say once again before you that we have declared the year the year of unity and solidarity.”

Çebi thanked Sedat Uysal, Chairman of the İskenderun Beşiktaşlılar Association, and his management, who contributed to the organization of the program.

AK Party Hatay Deputy Abdulkadir Özel, Mayor of Iskenderun Fatih Tosyalı, Beşiktaş fans and guests attended the program.
