Bertus and volunteers repair destroyed bird hide on Eemmeer

The serene silence on the Eemmeer is greatly disturbed by the sound of hammers and drills. Volunteers from Vogelwerkgroep ‘t Gooi are busy repairing their beloved bird hide.

At the beginning of July, the bird hide on the Eemmeer was destroyed by vandals. Bird watcher Bertus van den Brink is one of the members of the Bird Working Group and had voluntarily refurbished the hut in the winter. The place is close to his heart. He often comes here to spot birds such as the sea eagle.

The repair was paid for by a crowdfunding from Bertus’ daughter and grandson. They visited friends and family and raised almost enough to repair the entire cabin.


Still Bertus has no idea who the perpetrators are. He did, however, hang notes in the hut, in the hope that if the perpetrators return, they will contact him to express their regrets. But this hasn’t happened yet.

However, Bertus hopes that due to the new fame that the hut has acquired, possible vandals will now think twice if they smash everything to shreds. “You can always chill here, but keep things intact.”
