Berthold: “Italian football without entertainment. Juve should start again from the amateurs”

The statements of the former world champion with Germany and ex of Rome

At “1 Football Club”, a radio program hosted by Luca Cerchione broadcast on 1 Station Radio, Thomas Berthold, a former footballer, among many others, from Rome to Bayern Munich spoke.

Opinion on Naples-Rome? Comparing two different games? “The Azzurri are favorites for their dynamism and ability to score goals. I don’t like Mourinho’s defensive attitude. I’m for fun football, capable of surprising the public, even at the cutting edge. A decidedly different game from that expressed by Mourinho. I don’t follow Italian football very much. I saw the last Roman derby and I noticed little show. This is the defect of Italian football. In other leagues the pace of play is different, as well as the interference of the referees, who don’t boo so much and the progress of the races is not often interrupted”.

Naples of records: judgment on the Azzurri’s championship? “I’m surprised by Napoli’s gap in the standings after the first part of the season. The Azzurri are superior in play compared to their rivals, this makes the difference. Napoli always try to score goals; balance reigns in the other leagues, not as in Serie A, dominated by Spalletti’s team.”

What do you think abroad about the Juve issue? “Overall, politically speaking, Italian football has lost a lot because I was in Qatar for a month and I noticed some differences there too. Important members meet in that country too to discuss certain issues. It won’t be easy for Italy to win the candidacy to host the 2032 European Championship. I feel sorry for Juve’s situation, in another championship they would start again from the fifth division because the League commands. This is a clear difference with Serie A, because television rights are purchased. and money is managed incorrectly in Italian football, since a balanced distribution is not made in the various categories, even the lower ones. And how can Italian football be developed if the foundations are not laid for the future growth of young people and different leagues?”.
