Berrettini leaves Santopadre, the historic coach, after 13 years

The announcement via social media: “When I think of us I only feel joy”. And now Matteo will go with a supercoach?

Matteo Berrettini and Vincenzo Santopadre separate. News which, a few hours after the announcement of the end of the season for the Roman, confirms Matteo’s desire to turn the page and relaunch himself for 2024.

via social media

As always, the news arrived via social media, with a post by Berrettini on Instagram. “What we have built, done and experienced is ours alone, but it is also tangible testimony that dreams come true, that hard work always leads to something positive and that in life, sometimes, you shouldn’t take yourself too seriously – writes the Roman -. I arrived in your ‘tennis arms’ not yet knowing what I wanted to do with my life, you managed to make me dream far away, while keeping me attached to the individual days we lived. Every training session a brick, every defeat a lesson and every injury an opportunity to improve and come back stronger.” Berrettini and Santopadre have always worked together, since the beginning of the player’s career and together they have experienced extraordinary moments such as finishing in the top 10, qualifying for the Finals and the historic Wimbledon final in 2021: “Ours is a professional goodbye which probably increases even more so the personal relationship. I have felt you with me in every difficulty I have faced in the last 13 years, and although there have been many, when I think of us I only feel joy”.

the next

Now we need to understand who will join Berrettini from the off season. No announcement has been made at this time about who the next coach will be. He could be a supercoach but Becker was just signed by Holger Rune and at the moment there aren’t many big players free. Unless Novak Djokovic decides to change, leaving Goran Ivanisevic free, someone who knew what to do with the serve. At the moment it’s just fantasy, but one thing is certain, the Berrettinian revolution is only just beginning.
