“Bernardo Silva is a footballer that I love”

08/25/2022 at 00:54


The Blaugrana coach dedicated a few words to Juan Carlos Unzué and was satisfied with the response from the fans: “We are more than a club”

“City is one of the best teams in the world, it is very well worked by Pep”

The good game and the goals were “secondary & rdquor; yesterday for Xavi Hernandez. For the FC Barcelona coach, the most important thing about the match against Manchester City was the cause for which it was played: the fight against ALS: “Society has to help and today we have done it. When we were offered the chance to play this game, we didn’t hesitate. I already said it Johan Cruyffif you have the opportunity to help someone, always do it & rdquor ;.

There are more than 4,000 people in Spain who suffer from ALS and Juan Carlos Unzué was the visible face of all of them. A person very loved by the two clubs, the fans, and by Xavi Y Pep Guardiola. The man from Egar wanted to dedicate a few words to him: “Today’s match is for all the sick, but especially for Juan Carlos, which is an example for its values, for how it is dealing with the disease. The heart he has is extraordinary and encourages us all, I don’t know where he gets this positivity from. He deserves it all. And I want to thank all the people who have participated, who have paid the ticket, who have donated… It has been a success & rdquor ;.


But there was also time to talk about football. Xavi was full of praise for who was his coach in the best years of Barça and praised his team’s play: “They took the ball from us, we suffered in many phases of the game, but it’s normal, we’re under construction. It is one of the best teams in the world and it is very well worked by Pepbecause he is obsessive and demanding & rdquor ;.


Beyond the cause that gave meaning to the match, the spotlights were on one player: Bernard Silva. The Blaugrana coach did not hide his admiration for him: “He is a footballer that I love. He understands everything. Whether he comes is up to City… & rdquor ;.
