Berlusconi, Easter rest at the San Raffaele

The personal doctor of the patron of Monza, Zangrillo, also went to San Raffaele, as well as the fourth daughter of the former premier, Eleonora

Silvio Berlusconi’s first daughter, Marina, returned to the San Raffaele hospital in the evening, where her father has been hospitalized since Wednesday morning. The president of Fininvest and of the Mondadori group had already visited the former premier this afternoon, shortly after lunchtime, to stay inside the hospital for about ten minutes.


Easter rest for the president of Monza and former head of government, who has been in intensive care for five days. The Cavaliere’s conditions are slightly improving in a clinical picture that remains “really difficult”, as defined by his personal doctor and head of intensive care, Alberto Zangrillo, who also examined him today and then left the hospital without making any statements. On the fifth day of hospitalization, visits from family and friends were reduced to a minimum, as were phone calls. This afternoon, the president of Mediaset, Fedele Confalonieri, did not fail to greet him after less than half an hour. In the evening the fourth daughter Eleonora also arrived. Pasquale’s other children and his brother Paolo, who had come to the hospital in recent days, were absent on this Sunday. Alongside the former premier, from the first day of hospitalization, there are his partner and deputy Marta Fascina and his father-in-law Orazio, who occasionally leaves the structure in via Olgettina and then returns.


Unmissable is the presence at the San Raffaele of Berlusconi’s supporter, the “very loyal” Marco Macrì, who arrived on Friday morning from the province of Lecce to show his solidarity and who, despite the holidays, remains waiting in front of the hospital collecting letters from fans.
