Berlusconi could leave the San Raffaele hospital in the coming days

The president of Monza has been hospitalized since 5 April due to complications from leukemia. From what transpires from sources close to the leader of Forza Italia, it would be possible to return to Arcore by the end of the week

Silvio Berlusconi could be discharged from the San Raffaele hospital in Milan in the next few days. The leader of Forza Italia and president of Monza has been hospitalized since 5 April due to complications deriving from myelomonocytic leukemia. For a few days, the former AC Milan owner has left intensive care even if the situation remains delicate. Pneumonia is now under control but the doctors’ attention is focused on leukemia.

Waiting for the next medical bulletin -. expected perhaps already for tomorrow – some sources clarify that the forecasts on the resignation do not concern the next 24 or 48 hours, but the next 5 days. In recent days, Berlusconi had repeatedly told representatives of Forza Italia that he wanted to participate, in some form, in the convention scheduled for 5 and 6 May. “He told me expressly. ‘I, dear Maurizio, would like to intervene”, he in fact told Gasparri.
