Berlin’s youngest member of parliament wants to motivate young people

Klara Schedlich, top candidate of the Green Youth Berlin for the Berlin House of Representatives Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Christophe Gateau

From BZ/dpa

As the youngest member of parliament in Berlin, Klara Schedlich (Greens) also wants to get other young people interested in politics. “I hope that this will motivate more young people to do politics,” she told the German Press Agency on Tuesday.

The 23-year-old moved into the House of Representatives in September 2021 and will remain in Parliament even after the repeat election. Your constituency is in Reinickendorf. “I’m really happy to be able to continue,” she said. Schedlich is spokeswoman for youth and sports policy at the Berlin Greens.

The oldest MP is again Kurt Wansner (CDU). The 75-year-old has been a member of the CDU in the Berlin House of Representatives since 1995. His constituency is in Berlin-Kreuzberg. He has been a member of the Internal Affairs Committee since 2011, where he deals with internal security, among other things.

The House of Representatives will probably meet on March 16 for its first session after last Sunday’s repeat election. Wansner is expected to preside again as senior president.


Berlin election BVV Green Berlin topic of the month
