Berlin’s ruler Wegner sounds the refugee alarm

From Hildburg Bruns

Since all capacities in the surrounding schools in Tempelhof have been exhausted, there will be teaching tents on site for the first time. In Tegel, up to 44 welcome classes will be accommodated in the former Air Berlin building (Saatwinkler Damm).

“The situation is serious. All accommodations are occupied,” says the governor Kai Wegner (51, CDU). “We are under pressure and have to take measures that we did not want.” Mass accommodation!

At least 4,500 new emergency places will be needed by the end of the year. In addition, a reserve is to be created – a total of 8,000 places with catering, initial equipment, translators and medical care!

The Governing Mayor of Berlin Kai Wegner (CDU) in the House of Representatives

Wegner: “It’s good to have a buffer.” The Knobelsdorf barracks (Spandau) will be examined again and the Ruschestraße accommodation (1,300 places in Lichtenberg), which was closed in 2017, will be reactivated.

Certainly: Two new lightweight halls near Terminal C in Tegel with 770 seats +++ Use of additional hangars and concrete apron in Tempelhof (700 seats) +++ Preparation of 700 seats on the exhibition grounds +++ Rental of hotels/hostels 1500 places +++ Reconstruction of a hardware store on Idunastrasse (Heinersdorf) with 400 places.

And the costs? “We don’t have the numbers together yet. Money is not our priority,” says Social Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (47, SPD).

In contrast, Wegner points the finger at the red-green-yellow federal government. In May, the federal government signaled that it would provide one billion euros for all 16 federal states and that details would be discussed in November. There are now reports of planned cuts.

Wegner: “The Scholz government not only stands by and does nothing, it even wants to cut funding in this situation. Humanity is falling by the wayside as it tears our country apart.
