Berlin’s Governing Wegner: Results for the 29-euro ticket will be available “soon”

From October 1st, the 29-euro ticket for tariff zones AB will be valid in Berlin

At the end of 2022, the 29-euro ticket was valid in Berlin Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

Berlin’s Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) remains confident about the planned 29-euro subscription for local transport in the capital.

“The 29-euro ticket is a central promise in our coalition agreement, and many Berliners are waiting for the ticket,” he told the “taz” (Tuesday).

“That’s why we’re currently working on implementing the ticket together with Brandenburg and the VBB. I am very optimistic that we will present results shortly.” The governor emphasized the timetable: “I say: shortly. Deliberately not: timely.”

However, Wegner did not provide any information about the scope. In the coalition agreement, the CDU and SPD had only agreed to strive for “a solution under the umbrella of the VBB”, i.e. the Berlin-Brandenburg transport association.

Last year, the previous state government introduced a 29-euro subscription for Berlin’s local public transport (ÖPNV) in the capital. The offer was considered a follow-up solution for the expired, nationwide valid 9-euro ticket. Criticism was sparked by the fact that Berlin’s then head of government, Franziska Giffey (SPD), did not succeed in getting the neighboring state of Brandenburg on board. The discounted subscription was therefore only valid in tariff zones A and B within the Berlin city limits.

“When we talk about mobility in Berlin, we have to take the entire capital region into account,” emphasized Wegner. “Because the daily commute and traffic jams are part of everyday life for many people.”


29-euro ticket BVG Kai Wegner VBB
